Friday, November 16, 2007

Loving Fall

I took a walk to Trader Joes the other day to get some Root Beer, because I had a craving, and there was some of the most beautiful fall light in the sky, so I brought my camera along with me. The first picture is my favorite, I have no idea what these little rag-weeds are (well, maybe they are rag-weeds! ha!), but they were pretty and golden in the afternoon sun.

I know this one doesn't really go with the theme, but the tree was too pretty to leave out :)

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Katie & Ric Take 2...

Here are a few more from Katie and Ric's wedding! Blogger is finally letting me upload these, I don't know what the issue was before. Most likely a user error :)

I had forgotten about this picture until I ran across it, I LOVE it for some reason! I think I just love the sky, it's gorgeous!

Poor Katie had the sun in her face, I kept telling her, "OK! On 3 you can open your eyes, ready? 1... 2...3!" The left side of her face is a little blown out, but I like this portrait anyway:

The gazebo at Fort Meyer was my favorite! It had such interesting patterns up top:

This is another one of my favorite pictures of the two of them. I love this building, it was so pretty:

That's it for now! Anyone need a wedding photographer? I've got some weekends open! ;)